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「情報源」の下層にセルフヘルプグループに関する論文を集めるための「self help group」というページを新設しました。作りかけのため、レイアウト等は未完成です。
Good mental health in people with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review |
Demographic Profile and Clinical Characteristics of Adults with Down Syndrome in North-Eastern Romania |
Brief Report: Under-Identification of Symptomatic Menopause in Publicly-Insured Autistic People |
Clinical Features and Disease Progression in Older Individuals with Rett Syndrome |
"I Don't Get to Play With My Mum Anymore": Experiences of Siblings Aged 8-12 of Children With Cancer: A Qualitative Study |
Violence against parents perpetrated by adolescent siblings of individuals with intellectual disability in South Korea |
Evaluating iSibWorks: A virtual cognitive-behavioural intervention for siblings of children with disabilities |