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Support for foreign siblings

● Taiwan
Links to organizations that held an international conference on sibling support in March 2019 (link on May 1, 2019)
Taiwan Handicapped Persons Hand and Foot Information Network (Taiwan Handicapped Persons Information Network)

Yu-Cheng Social Welfare Foundation

[Limbs] [Pages about siblings]
Nurturing Fund symposium symposium symposium (information on seminars on siblings)
1. Core value for siblings who support limbs for people with mental and intellectual disabilities
2, 3/25 International Symposium on the Agenda for Hands and Feet for Persons with Disabilities (Report of the International Symposium on Issues Possible by Siblings on March 25, 2019)

● I wanted to contribute to the development of sibling support in South Korea and Asia, and after a little research, I found a blog (link on May 3, 2019).
From Being Alone to Being Together – Formed the First Sibling Supporting Group in South Korea
June 11, 2018 by autismscience foundation

● Australia Siblings Australia
Sibling Australia aims to increase support for siblings of children and adults with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or mental illnesses.
This is the Australian version of the sibling support project that Kate, who learned about the sibling support research in the United States during her stay in the United States and the sibling support project, launched after returning to Japan.

Siblings Australia is committed to improving the support available for siblings of children and adults with chronic conditions including disability, chronic illness and mental health issues.


● Australia Purple Soup
We support sick children and their families, and we also have camps for siblings. I met Tim and Melissa during a sibling meeting in Australia, and Tim said he would like to exchange information with sibling camps in other countries.

These adventures are designed to rebuild confidence, self esteem, trust and courage in a safe, fun and supportive environment.


● New Zealand Parent to Parent New Zealand
Click here to jump directly to the sibling support page.
This organization also invites Mr. Meyer, a sibling support project in the United States, to hold an event and host a Shibu shop.


● US The Sibling Support Project
It is no exaggeration to say that it was established in 1990 and has been a leader in supporting siblings around the world. It is a sibling support project in the United States. You also came to Japan.
Founded in 1990, the Sibling Support Project is the first national program dedicated to the life-long and ever-changing concerns of millions of brothers and sisters of people with special health, developmental, and mental health concerns.

● Canada The Sibling Collaborative
A sibling support organization has been established in Canada (link, April 28, 2019)

The Sibling Collaborative is strengthening families by uniting people who have siblings with intellectual or developmental disabilities to think differently, live differently and feel differently.


● UK Sibs in the UK
Established in 2001, the first representatives started sibling support activities in the early 1990s. We support both children and adults. We have been providing telephone consultations regarding adult support, and as of 2018, we are focusing on increasing peer support groups in each region.

Sibs was set up in 2001 by Monica McCaffrey, the current Chief Executive, in response to demand from parents and professionals in the children's sector for information on how to support siblings of disabled children. Monica had been running workshops for parents on supporting siblings when she worked for Contact a Family, and also as a freelance trainer, in the early 1990's.

We have also set up a site for young children called "Young Sibs". This site is aimed at siblings aged 6 to 17, and the special needs of siblings are not limited to disabilities, but also include learning disabilities and chronic illnesses.


YoungSibs is for children and young people who have a brother or sister who is disabled, has special educational needs or a serious long-term condition. It is for siblings in the UK aged 6 to 17.

● Iceland Systkinas miðjan
Established in 1997, it also operates a Shibu shop. The Shibu Shop is for siblings aged 8 to 14 years.
The site is written in Icelandic.

● Germany Family Bande (FamilyTies – Together for siblings)

Siblings of children with chronic illness or disabilities can be in very stressful situations and often cannot cope with the stress on their own. The mission of the Family Ties Foundation is to help all children find the right and best support when they need it and when they feel it is needed. "Family Ties" started in 2010 and became a foundation in May 2012.

In Germany, about 2 million children live with children with chronic illnesses and children with disabilities. Sick and handicapped children are inevitably central to the family. Interest in healthy siblings is often lessened, and at the same time there is always pressure to be perfect. Because their brothers and sisters already have challenges that their families have to face. However, not all siblings can tolerate such stress.

To date, children and their families have not been able to receive systematic and national support to meet their needs. This is why the Novartis Group, a leading German healthcare company, has decided to work with a healthcare partner to engage with healthy siblings and their families in children with chronic illness or with disabilities.

(Translated from the "Family Ties" site)

● Italy The Italian Sibling Group
An Italian organization is also holding an event inviting Mr. Meyer of the US Sibling Support Project.

● Belgium (Belgium) Brussenwerking
I don't know the details because there is no English page, but it seems that the main support is for siblings of people with autism.
The site I was linking to before is gone, so I will link to this site that I searched for and hit. (2018/3/4 link).


​Meeting to spread sibling support

The Society for Disseminating Sibling Support has been active since 2004 with the aim of disseminating support for siblings of people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Since the challenges that siblings can have change with age and last a lifetime, the support targets include not only children but also adults.

© ©Meeting to spread sibling support

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